The story of a vessel

Cracked, pale limestone lines the edges

And the cedars lean in along the old creek

To confer on the tragedy and pass the news

Along to the rest of the forest

Carried on the calls of chickadees


The life has run out

Which once covered mossy rocks

And nourished reaching roots

Traveled to the very tips of leaves

Feeding blooms and sweet fruits


Yet the rains will come again

And the clay-bottomed creek will fill

Not beautiful on its own

But as a vessel of life


My child, he will do the same for you

Your cracked edges will soften, then heal

And your water will never run out

And your mouth will never go dry

He is a spring welling eternal life


Then, be like the old creek

Cover the parched places

Dig deep till you find their roots

And give of his water freely

And eat of his good fruits