For Caitlin

Inside my basket of broken bread

My words lie stale with regret

A friendship left to natural destruction

Swirling gossip and storms of pride only left

Crumbs of words unsaid

Thoughts unanswered

Paths carefully tread

I wish I could make it whole again

Fresh again

Where the scent of two souls in unison

Stops people in their tracks

Breathing in the sweet air, looking for the source

We were like the bakery around the corner

Friendly green door, dinner to share

A haven and a place to lay your cares

Yet when the shop down the block

Raised its sign and offered beer

I wanted a pint of a new variety

Meanwhile you decided you were tired of me

Shut the door and boycotted my plans

So I left our bakery

Tidy shop and circle of friends

I wanted freedom and a little gin

A life spiked with spontaneity

A place to start all over again

I never said I missed you

Pride and jealousy blurred my lens

Your stupid perfect shop

Your two new perfect friends

I would do it better

A greener future without sins

My complete, perfect life

A whole new group of friends

I wish I could make it whole again

Healed again

Where the braiding of two hearts in harmony

Stops people to marvel

Wondr’ing at the divine’s power, helping us forgive

We would be the thrift shop by the flowers

Eclectic, not worse for the wear

A new look and a place to mend some tears

Inside our basket of torn up pieces

There’s room to reimagine what’s next

A friendship stronger for its journey

Of being ripped up and sewn back again

Threads of words now said

Learning to be honest

Laughter shared instead